I'm not sure why I decided to start my own blog, I really have nothing to say. For now I'm not going to tell any one about this blog, as I want to see if I can actually follow through with something for once. Part of my reason for bloging is to improve my writing skills. I haven't really written anything since college, five years ago, and my current job requires quite a bit of writing. Another big reason is that I have trouble sharing my feeling with the people closest to me. I'm not sure that I will be able to put my guard down and share them here but I will try. Most my friends are very into blogging and I will probably steal from their blogs from time to time. In the near future I will post links to their blogs and to our communal blog as well. I'm really into TV so a lot of the postings are probably going to be about TV shows I watch. To give you an idea as to how bad my TV habit is I have a two bedroom condo and four TVs and three DVRs, (one of the TVs belongs to my roommate). On average I work about 50-60 hours a week and still manage to watch 4 hours of TV during the week and 6 hours a day on the week-end.
I just ran the spell check for the first time (my spelling sucks) and ironically the spell checker does not recognize the word "blog".
TV show recommendation - Eureka (Tue. 9pm on SciFi) - This is the first show I have watched on SciFi so far it is really good check it out.
Goals for tomorrow:
Work - Get my annual development plan complete.
Personal - cancel Gym membership in old Gym, activate the new membership.
This is it for tonight. I'm not proud of it, but I'm going to watch So You Think You Can Dance. May be in a future blog I will tell you why I watch it (probably tomorrow when they announce the winner) Hopefully I will be back tomorrow.
Peace Love and Diet Coke
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